Get Recruited.
With over 1,500 College Contacts from the FBS to Division 3, Dawg House Recruiting will make sure you are SEEN, EVALUATED & POSITIONED to be in the best possible spot to earn a scholarship at the next level.

Get Seen.
With our Personal Contacts at over 250 different programs, we are able to expedite the process to getting you infront of staffs to be evaluated.

Get Evaluated.
Once we are able to get you infront of a college program, we will be able to share what notes were made during the evaluation. From there we will be able to evaluate whether continuing to look into that program is beneficial or if we should pivot our views on potential programs.
Things you should know
Recruiting 101:
Types of tape you need:
- Pre-Season
- First 3 Weeks
- Mid-Season (5-6 Games)
- Regular Season
- Full Year
On average how long will a coach watch my tape?
On average a college coach will only watch the first 3 plays of a tape before deciding whether or not it makes sense to continue watching.
Why won't coaches respond to my DM's, Emails or Texts?
As of the 2022-2023 CFB Season, coaches are unable to respond to either you or your parents until September 1st of your Junior Year.
That being said, they can connect with you via a 3rd Party or your high school coach.
Does a camp invite mean I am being recruited?
Yes and No.
Majority of the time, especially at the Division 1 level these coaches already know who they are looking for at camp before they even arrive. Unfortunatley the majority of those invites go out to help raise money for the program.
With our ability to get evaluations back from programs we can prevent those sorts of things from happening.